23. Marketing & Communications Manager [ÇØ¿Ü ·°¼Å¸® ÀÚµ¿Â÷ºê·£µå]

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Marketing & Communications Manager


[Job Summary]

1. Will be responsible for all aspects of marketing for certain automotive brand, including the retailer network.
2. He/She will be he main interface between the factory in Crewe, the Asia Pacific Regional Office in Singapore and the Marketing Managers at Retailers in Korea
3. He/She will formulate and execute the overarching marketing strategy for Korea, which includes national events, paid media, digital, regional press and PR, product launches and CRM

[Main Responsibilities]

1. Manage and plan the strategic and tactical marketing/communications plans, maxmizing profitability potentials to support the company objectives
2. Monitor retailer marketing & communications activities to ensure that they are brand compliant and according to the brand's pasion points and values
3. Steer retailers' fulfilment of marketing elements of variable retailer margin
4. Implement and steer PR/Communications for the sub-hub to improve brand saliency and achieve the brand's central PR objectives
Manage the brand and product campaign content planning for the region together with Product & Pricing, CX and creative agencies

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