Marketing Communication Director / ¿Ü±¹°è·°¼Å¸®»ç

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  1. ¤ýStrategic Planning & review 

  • ¤ýDevelop and implement the long-term and yearly MarComm strategies across all functions
  • ¤ýReview monthly and annual MarComm plan 
  • ¤ýAnalyze the implementations of all MarComm strategies and campaign KPIs 
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    • ¤ýMin. 15 years of professional marketing & communication experience in high-end retail industry with at least 3 years in leadership position (luxury jewelry and watch, fashion will be plus) 
    • ¤ýStrong communication skills both in Korean and English 
    • ¤ýSolid local network with strong knowledge of luxury market in Korea
    • ¤ýHands-on management skills and ability to interact with various stakeholders 

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  1. ¤ýBudget Management
  2. ¤ýBuild A&P budget (media, PR, event, client treatment etc.)  
  3. ¤ýTrack and manage monthly, quarterly, yearly A&P spending and expenses 
  4. ¤ýResponsible for external vendors and agency procurement

  1. ¤ýDigital & Media
  2. ¤ýAnnual media planning and strategy development 
  3. ¤ýSupervise media execution and KPI achievement 
  4. ¤ýCo-work with a designated media agency 

  1. ¤ýPublic Relations 
  2. ¤ýSecure a close relationship with key media, KOL, local artist community 
  3. ¤ýPlan strategic PR initiatives