Sales Head  (»ó¹«±Þ) - ¿Ü±¹°è¼ÒºñÀç»ç

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  1. - Develops strategies in line with the Company objectives and directs activities of the sales force and sales administration tto maximize potential sales volume and market share in all channels in which the Korea participates. 
  2. - Establishes and maintains relationships with key customers, applying a broad knowledge of the organization's products, services and sales techniques.
  3. - Directs, coordinates and provides leadership to assigned staff, ensuring established policies and objectives are understood and appropriate levels of service are achieved.
  4. - Develops sales managers, customer development managers (CDM) and organization.
  5. Directs the continuing appraisal of pricing, distribution and other policies and procedures of the organization.


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  1. - Bachelor¡¯s degrees or above, ideally majored in business related field
  2. - Minimum 15-year experience in sales management
  3. - Good inter-personal relationship, strong in stakeholder management and cross-function teamwork
  4. - Business acumen to deliver customers¡¯ needs, compliantly
  5. - Thorough knowledge and understanding of sales applications and principles

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